Meet and Greet

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Witches’ Tea

Our annual Witches’ Tea is coming up. Maryann will knock your socks off with her beautifully decorated home and the ladies bring such delicious food. This is a ‘do not miss’ event.

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‘Warhorse’ in January

The ladies of the Guild are excited to be seeing ‘Warhorse’ in January at the Fisher Theatre. A few members have already seen this production and have raved about it.

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Meet and Greet “The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holiday”

The Guild provided the buffet for the first day of rehearsal for MBT’s opening play. In the actor’s conversations we could feel their excitement about doing this play.

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The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holiday

The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays Oct 2 – Oct 27, 2013 By Ken Ludwig As world-renowned actor William Gillette takes a bow after playing Sherlock Holmes at the Palace Theatre, a shot rings out, wounding him in the arm. While recuperating at home, Gillette invites his co-stars […]

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