Feet for Seats
- Posted on August 20, 2012
- in Meadow Brook Theatre
- by Teresa
Title: Feet for Seats
Location: Oakland University – 207 Wilson Hall, Rochester, MI 48309
Link out: Click here
Description: Feet for Seats is a 5K Fun Run/Walk to raise funds for the Meadow Brook Theatre. Participants are welcome to take the course at their own pace… sprint, walk, or run! (no rollerblades, skateboards or pets, please). The Fun Run/Walk has different levels for participants. To receive a t-shirt, a participant needs to raise a minimum of $25. The Fun Run/Walk starts in the parking lot in front of Meadow Brook Theatre (Parking Lot 1) in front of Wilson Hall. There will be signs posted in both Parking Lot 1 and 2 to direct you to the registration tables and starting line. Check in begins at 8 am on August 26, 2012. The 5K Fun Run/Walk will begin at 9:00 am.Visit this link for a registration form: http://mbtheatre.com/FeetforSeats/FormsforFeetforSeats/tabid/340/Default.aspx
Start Time: 8AM Registration
Date: 2012-08-26